tonal gym review

Tonal Gym Review

Floating Accessory Shelf for Tonal Gym Gear (Smaller Version, 4 Fittings)

Floating Accessory Shelf For Tonal Gym Gear (Smaller Version, 4 Fittings)

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Tonal Gym Review

There are cheaper alternatives to Tempo, Tonal and Forme Life

Being a fitness expert and a fitness fanatic, I am passionate about finding cheaper options that can be used to achieve your personal goals.

Many people compare Tempo vs Mirror, a LuLuLemon purchased company that started the smart mirror gym craze. It is a worthy comparison and a much cheaper alternative to Tempo, Tonal and Forme Life. Mirror doesn’t focus as heavily on strength and muscle training than the others.

You can also compare Tempo vs Echelon Reflect vs Tonal and Forme Life. Echelon Reflect is very similar to Mirror. Reflect is a great alternative to Mirror if you are looking for a more affordable gym.

These are the comments of users

Driving to the gym can be a time-consuming task that adds between 30-40 minutes and hinders my ability to exercise regularly. It has helped me to be more motivated by having a single-stop shop for all the equipment I need at a gym. I love the classes and can’t wait to go back!

I love my Tonal!” My Tonal is the only thing that I need to use to get me to my gym. Being a mother of 2 children, having quick access to my gym makes life so much easier.

“I’ve had my Tonal for about 6 months. “I’ve seen many benefits of my Tonal and some minor problems. Although I am not an athlete, I am in my 40s and have the typical father-bod. I also work fifty hours per week. Tonal has been a great machine and a workout program. It forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and allowed me to pursue fitness in new ways. Tonal’s simplicity and ease of use have made it a necessity.

Tonal Gym Review


Tonal’s tech-side is quite remarkable. It adapts to a person’s strength level on a daily basis. Tonal’s technology is far superior to those of other home gyms that are tech-based. Here are the four main things we liked most about Tonal.

  • Spotter Mode – Tonal’s spotter mode reduces your load when you feel like you are struggling. So, as you go through a set of work and start to feel tired, Tonal will decrease your load. This intuitive feature allows you to complete the set while still getting the work done.
  • Chains/Eccentric: The chains and eccentric mode are, in our opinion, a serious enthusiast’s best friend. These are easy to use mid-workout, and offer extra resistance for both the eccentric (lowering) and the central (lifting) parts of the movement.

Outside of these four tech features, there’s a lot more that goes into the Tonal home gym. However, we think if you’re interested in investing in this device, then these are the four tech features that make Tonal unique.

The Tempo Studio Home Gym

The Vibe: A budget option that more than holds its own against the competition, the Tempo is the obvious choice if your goal is immersive strength training.

This is another powerhouse pick if a big screen is important to you. Although it is just one inch smaller than the Forme Life’s 42-inch screen screen, the Tempo’s 42-inch screen still beats by mile the Tonal’s 24-inch screen!

The Tempo also gives the Forme Life a run for its money in terms of tech features. First, you’re getting 3D motion sensors to provide a crisp display of your form for the instructor on the other end. This allows you to get real feedback based on your actual movements that will allow you to maximize your workout while preventing you from needlessly injuring yourself. Elegant tracking will help you track your progress and milestones. This one has one thing that may make you hesitate about clicking the “buy” button. At $2,495, the Tempo is the cheapest option on our list. It’s almost a full $1,000 cheaper than the Tonal.

Tonal Gym Review

Smart Software

The software built into the system has the ability to provide the user a ton of valuable feedback.

Carl shared an example that shows how power output functions might prove useful. A coach could tell a client to do 50-pound resistance goblet squats until their power output falls below 80 percent. This helps you ensure your client is getting the right dose for each movement, he explained. The software also can recommend exercises based on power output, speed, tension, and range of motion. This is especially useful for clients who don’t have a coach.

Easily Track Your Progress

Tonal offers a useful progress tracker. It’s crucial to track your progress in workouts. However, it is often forgotten because it can get so tedious. Tonal offers strength analytics, which essentially means the machine will calculate your progress by muscle group and specific areas of your body. This is a truly amazing feature. It’s the most amazing feature I have ever seen on any piece of equipment. It’s also constantly measuring things like range of motion, power output, and your overall strength so that it’s easy to see how you are progressing. In addition to tracking your progress, Tonal has two additional features related to moves:

  • Form Feedback
  • Movement Guide

Form Feedback:

Deadlifts are a favorite move of mine, but it’s a move that requires a lot of focus on your form. To avoid injury and undue strain on the back, you want to have a neutral spine. This is just one part of the overall form. Form itself can be a hindrance. ?

Have you ever wondered how well your exercises are being done? I actually know that this fear of doing movements incorrectly holds MANY of you back from going to the gym because you don’t want to be embarrassed. You can now work with your Tonal to improve your form! PLUS, injuries can happen so dang quickly if your form is incorrect, which can take you out of your workout game for weeks at a time. In fact, it was reported that 468,000 workout injuries happened in 2019. Tonal provides feedback that will help you to improve your form, and eliminate any potential injury.

Ok, this one might be my absolute fave. Your Tonal will come with a massive catalog of 170+ workouts and trainers to keep you motivated, encouraged, and progressing every single workout. Although I haven’t yet tried all of the trainers, I do use The Transform App and my own programs. However, there are many trainers with their own style and flavors. One thing I fell in love with when I started playing around with the programming is that when you choose which attachment you want to use (either a handle, rope, or bar), you are provided with a list of EVERY single move you can do with that attachment. You can also choose which body part you want to train, and the entire library of moves for it will be displayed. No matter which type of training you prefer (cross-training, bodybuilding or circuit training), the Tonal can accommodate it all! The Tonal can incorporate any type of program you want! This is insanely brilliant.

Tonal Gym Review

Take a Quick Look at Tonal

Tonal is a digital workout equipment system that offers personalized workout programs to you in the comfort of your living room. Unconventional in its design, it doesn’t use dumbbells, barbells, bands, or plates. Instead, this state-of-the-art workout system uses two adjustable arms to deliver up to 200 pounds of resistance for upper-body, lower-body, or full-body workouts. The high-tech touch screen lets users follow the virtual coach on their workout or access their favourite playlists through Amazon Music and Apple Music.

Tonal comes pre-programmed and includes thousands of classes, including cardio, strength training, dancing, yoga and stretching. Tonal will also keep you entertained for hours. Smart accessories include smart handles, a bar with Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to adjust your weight electronically. When purchasing Tonal, customers have the option to add on a workout bench, mat, rope, and foam roller for an additional cost to optimize their fitness experience.

As far as personalization goes, Tonal has mastered it. Tonal offers a customized workout that meets your goals and needs. Tonal can provide individualized strength training, assessment and form guidance. The system also stores and saves all of your program summaries, strength scores, and personal records and syncs them to a mobile app so that you can track your fitness progress on the go. Below, we break down the device in more detail:


  • Warranty: 3-year limited warranty

BUY: Tonal

Which is better: Tonal or Tempo?

I wish I could declare one smart home gym superior to the other definitively, but the truth is that they are both epic systems that use advanced tech and features to deliver amazing results, but their delivery differs and that’s where your personal preferences will come into play.

The Tempo studio home gym is better for those who love the feel of lifting real weights. The Tonal home gym works best for people who are looking to reduce space but still use digital weight technology. However, the price for these home gyms will likely play a part in your final decision. In that regard, Tempo is the better option for those who want to build a budget friendly home gym. Tonal’s home gym is pricier, especially when you consider that you’ll need the smart accessories pack (smart bar, smart accessories, etc), too, just to be able to do all the workouts.





Tonal Gym Review

How Does Tonal Compare To Other Smart Home Gyms?

Because of the Tonal’s advanced features, it is difficult to compare it to other smart home gyms. Its ability to assess your fitness ability and detect muscle readiness is a game-changer. It can tell you if your exercising is not up to par and will challenge you accordingly.

Every smart gym has its own unique offering. If you want to be able to see your reflection as well as your instructor as you do exercises, you may want to opt for the Mirror or Nordictrack Vault. If you don’t want to worry about mounting your smart gym to your wall, the Tempo is a better option. Tempo, like Tonal can correct your form with 3D sensors.

Mirror Workouts Review

For a more in-depth review, see my MIRROR Review and the MIRROR Workouts. The home gym boasts a wide range of classes, including live and on-demand classes.

  • Latin dance
  • Tai Chi
  • Kettlebell
  • Competitive
  • Yoga flow
  • Boxing
  • Barre
  • Bootcamp
  • Kickboxing
  • Cardio & Strength
  • Family fun
  • Pilates
  • Pre + Postnatal
  • Cardio dancing
  • Stretch
  • Sculpture
  • Training for weight loss
  • Ballet
  • Meditation
  • Hip hop

These workouts don’t require any equipment, so they can be enjoyed by anyone who doesn’t want to gain muscle or strength but wants to just have fun.

Tonal Gym Review

You can save money over time

Tonal is a good investment in health and fitness because it provides everything you need for a smart home gym while saving you money on a monthly basis.

Commercial gym memberships can be expensive, and you might even have to pay a monthly fee for guided workouts with instructors.

Tonal offers the option to pay a monthly subscription fee or not. If you don’t want to, you can definitely work out in tonal and still have your workout figured out.

You can simply go to the exercise mode to see all the Tonal exercises. Or, you could create your own.

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  • A Display To Behold – All The Information About Your Body Shaker Workout Machine Functions Are Displayed On The Easy To Read Screen Giving You Maximum Control With Ease.

Tonal Gym Review

How Much Is Tonal?

The $2,995 tone system isn’t cheap by any means, but it’s like having gym equipment–and a virtual personal trainer–in a sleek, redesigned, wall-mounted device. The system can provide resistance up to 200 pounds and support hundreds of movement to strengthen the core and upper body.

It costs $2,995 to purchase the base model. Financing starts at $149 per month. Shipping and installation costs $250. The cost of shipping is calculated per ton to the US neighboring states. However, it is possible to expect 2-4 weeks to deliver concierge orders.

The Tonal 2019 is a $3,000 product that was the first to be introduced in the home-fitness market. It focuses not on cardio, but strength training. Tried Tonal 2019 to see how it compares to traditional weightlifting. Visit the Business Insider home page for more information.

Your Tonal membership will give you the keys to health and fitness. Tonal offers expert coaching and smart technology. Your coach will request that you activate your membership during setup. A $49 per month subscription gives you access to all of Tonal’s innovative features, including:


With the Peloton membership, however, you will be able to access a multitude of guided strength-training workouts that use dumbbells available for purchase through them… or just use your own free weights.

In my opinion, the decision between the two relies heavily on your personal fitness goals. If you simply want to lose weight and increase your endurance, the Peloton will fit the ticket. If you want to increase your strength and stamina, the Tonal Smart Home Gym will be your safest bet. These are both expensive options for those who want to exercise regularly.

Tonal Gym Review

The Workouts And Tech Packed Inside The Forme Life

On the content end, Forme Life impresses with highly motivational, world-class instruction delivered in classes with fun themes for all workout styles and personality temperaments. You can “box out” all your stress after a hard day at work, or even get into yoga. Forme Life has fancy cameras that can be used to connect you with real trainers. Offering a little bit of everything, the Forme Life environment makes it easy to sweat it out with resistance training, cardio, barre, yoga, Pilates and wellness classes. Here’s a final rundown of the highlights of Forme Life:

  • Top pick for the biggest screen (43 inches).
  • The Studio Lift Premium Version starts at $2495 and the regular version is $4495
  • Dimensions are 70 inches (height) x 26 inches (width).
  • Mirror reflectivity is 70 percent.
  • Screen is controlled by touch and voice.
  • Unit can be mounted to floor or wall.
  • Great content library covering strength, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardio, yoga and more.
  • One-on-one workouts.
  • Curated workouts based on your personal profile.
  • Tracks your heart rate.
  • Counts reps.
  • You can check your form.
  • AI for personal feedback and instruction.
  • Included cleaning kit, heart monitor, non slip mat, and all mounting hardware.
  • If you prefer tangible workout gear, you have the option to purchase a rope, handles, ankle strap and a short bar from Forme Life directly. These accessories are not included in the purchase of your unit.
  • Great music selection.
  • Payment plan available.
  • A monthly membership costs $49

Size And Setup

Tonal recommend designating a floor space of 7 x 7 feet for their home gym. The dimensions of the Tonal home gym are 21.50 x 50.90 x 5.25 inches.

Reps are able to install the gym and connect it with Wi-Fi. They can also connect customers’ Bluetooth smart accessories.

For an additional fee, they can also install the equipment in your new location. Anybody who plans to move should notify the company at least two weeks in advance.

Learn more about Tonal’s installation service here.

Tonal Gym Review

It’s great for:

  • Home gym users who need a machine that does everything
  • Those who like guided workouts and a personal trainer feel
  • Someone looking for a home gym with substantial resistance
  • For those who live in cramped areas, compact equipment is necessary.

Is Tonal available in Hawaii and Alaska?

Yes, Tonal will be available in Hawaii and Alaska starting February 22, 2021! Find repairable zip codes to find out if your location is in Hawaii or Alaska. After your order has been confirmed, an email will be sent with a survey that confirms Tonal’s exact location.

Tonal Gym Review

Certified instructors

Tonal currently has 24 instructors, or “coaches,” with a variety of specialties including strength training, yoga, kickboxing, barre, Pilates, and meditation. Not only are they all either certified personal trainers or certified group fitness instructors, but the roster also includes a former NFL player, an Ironman World Champion, and a coach with a Ph.D. in kinesiology.

Best Feature: Partner Mode

The one thing that’s missing from this home gym? The kinds of social connections you can find at the gym or with a personal trainer. Although the screen allows you to workout with guidance from an instructor, it is not the same as a live human trainer. To combat isolation when using Tonal’s in-home gym, the designers included multiuser options as well as Partner Mode. This allows you to work out with another user.

Tonal Gym Review


You will need to take photos of your room and the wall materials. Tonal demands that the spacings be exact. They must be 16 or 24 inches apart. It will not work if they are too close together. And since their team is who installs the product, you need to be certain that you are choosing the right location, or else they will have to come back out and move it for you.

Tonal Experience

Tonal has helped me do 14 exercises in the past two weeks. It also shows that my strength scores have increased by 21%. Just like with the gym, it can sometimes be hard to motivate yourself to work out, but wanting to stick with the Strong Is Beautiful program has been a big motivator. And just like when I drag myself to the gym, I always feel a sense of accomplishment after a Tonal workout.

Tonal Gym Review

What is the Cost of Tonal Gym Mats?

You can find Tonal online or in many showrooms across the United States. The base price of the device is $2,995. The monthly payment of $149 is required to finance the device. Delivery and installation cost $250

High Quality and Durability

One of the most important things to consider when shopping around for Tonal alternatives is how well it’s made. Before making your final purchase, do some research on Tonal alternatives and review them. Some equipment can last decades while others might only be able to handle 500 workouts! It all depends on what materials were used in its production, but make sure that any Tonal alternative that you’re considering purchasing has good quality & durability (even if it means paying more).

Tonal Gym Review

How Does The Tonal Membership Work?

Tonal subscribers have unlimited access to thousands of expert-led programs, as well as personalized features not accessible without them.

Unlimited user access is available for all members of your household with One Tonal. Other members can also create profiles that include progress tracking and reports.

After the initial 12-months, the subscription operates on a month-to-month basis that you can pause or cancel any time. Without the membership, you’ll still have access to weight adjustments, safety features, and WiFi for receiving updates.

Tonal Gym Review

tonal gym review

Tonal Home Gym Review – Is it Worth It?

Tonal was reviewed medically by Danielle Hildreth.

It offers hundreds of classes led by trainers and utilizes advanced technology for a highly personalized experience.

Tonal features a multitude of strength and cardio classes. Tonal also provides several different exercise modes and unique features that can keep you moving towards your fitness goals.

Tonal may not be cheap so it might seem worth it.

This review will help you determine if the Tonal home fitness center is the best fit for your needs.

tonal gym review

What is the value of this AiPowered Home Gym? I Tried It To Find Out

Tonal brings smart strength-training programs into the home for a price

Reviewed Credit: Jackson Ruckar, Sara Hendricks Recommendations by Reviewed are independent selections made by the editors. Reviewed may make a commission on any purchases made through these links.

There are many ways you can exercise at your home. The most common home gym setup is a treadmill and dumbbells. It’s also possible to install an old VHS tape player and a shelf with Grease or Rat Race. You can use the glow of your laptop to lead the way through an exercise routine from one of the many fitness gurus that run rampant on YouTube, or go old school by revving up a classic Jane Fonda video Or you could take it next-level by investing in Tonal , a smart connected home workout system with digital weights that possesses aspects of all, without the clutter of free weights or the monotony of a video and, of course, with a hefty price tag.

This price is $2,995, which includes tax; delivery and professional install ($250); and Smart Accessories ($495), the handles and benches that help you do many of the exercises. There’s also a $4,400 annual membership fee. The financing plan costs $149 per month and is comparable to the expensive gym membership it will replace. This product must offer great value for that much money. I tested it to find out.

Tonal, a Peloton-like smart device, offers streaming workouts and strength training thanks to its resistance cables which can reach up to 200 pounds. It is about the size and shape of a small flat-screen TV, but with wifi access. The smart equipment is made by a San Francisco-based company. It looks similar to The Mirror, which has arms and handles. Because of its compact size and internal electromagnetic resistance, the device can be used to complete many exercises that you might do at home in your gym weight room. These include deadlifts (or rows), lat pulldowns, bench presses, deadlifts, etc. Tonal also offers music channels with options for pop and hip-hop. You can either pair the machine to your phone or connect to Tonal music channels. These stations play actual artists, not covers or instrumental songs, which is nice.

Tonal’s AI also helps to find the best weight for you and your ability for each exercise. It adjusts weights automatically as you do a work out. Your weight will rise as your strength increases over time. Tonal offers multi-week workout programs that include strength training, cardio, yoga, partner exercises, and more, all of which are led on the screen by a rotating cast of trainers. Tonal currently doesn’t offer live classes, such as Peloton or The Mirror. Classes can be accessed on-demand. Tonal can also communicate with a Bluetooth heart-rate monitor to gauge exertion. The classes, however, don’t focus on calories burn and aren’t based upon that.

The device looks similar to a strength-training machine, according to its advertisements. It is targeted at more serious weight lifters, with an emphasis on strength in the upper body, as per the ads that I saw. Fitness-wise I’m not sure I identify that way. My style is more group-oriented and tends towards yoga, Pilates, barre and spin. I have always been afraid of lifting heavy weights in public places, which could cause me great pain, or worse, embarrassment. I wanted to be able to lift more weight than I do with my normal light bicep curls. I also wanted the Tonal machine to help improve my fitness and increase my confidence.

tonal gym review

What is the Class Like?

Credit: Reviewed. Jackson Ruckar Tonal allows you to scroll through the screen and choose from different workouts.

Tonal can be done in a number ways. You can join one of the programs. This is best for those who have a goal. Tonal allows you to choose classes by the individual on its homepage. They are separated according to muscle group or workout type, such as “lower-intensity,” “high intensity,” and “lower bodies.” They range in difficulty from easy to difficult and last anywhere between five and fifty minutes. Tonal makes it easy to design custom workouts. Pick exercises, assign rest periods, set reps, and create sets.

I chose to do the Pick-and-Choose Workouts in order to gain a sense of Tonal’s breadth. The workouts were hard on my stomach. They kicked my butt. I also felt noticeably sore in the days after my first few workouts. Due to my lack of experience with straight-up strength-training, I was less sore than I was after lower-impact classes. The fatigue and soreness that I felt after a 30-minute workout faded over time. Tonal training and strength-training in general are now more common. It was still cool to see the class feel as effective and efficient as it did.

Tonal was a good way to get started in lifting. Tonal has demos of personal trainers who can be contacted on demand. You can also watch them before beginning a set. Also, the screen can reflect a bit so that you have a better idea of your movements and can compare with theirs. Although I don’t have much knowledge about the machines, I do know that I am able to bear the weight of different exercises. The cable machine is no longer intimidating to me.

What about the AI weight adjustments In almost all cases, it was smarter than I am. Sometimes I had to adjust the weight a pound or two, but in most of its workouts, it was spot-on. I even found myself being assigned an apparently low weight a few times. This made me laugh and decide that it was okay to bump it up. By the end of the set’s halfway, though, it was clear that for the necessary reps, the lighter weight had to be used.

tonal gym review

Should You Get A Tonal?

Credit: Jackson Ruckar. The machine is worth the investment. The cost of the machine depends on several factors, but most importantly on your financial budget.

Tonal made me love working out. Tonal was a great instructor. If I could afford it and did not share a room with others (ditto), then I’d get one. Tonal works well for those with some weight training experience, but not necessarily traditional, who are interested in learning new lifting techniques and working with weights machines. Sound like you? You’ll love this home gym renovation.

Reviewed is your one-stop shop for all things product. Follow Reviewed on Facebook Twitter Instagram for the latest deals, product reviews, and more.

Although prices are correct as of the date this article was written, they could change with time.

tonal gym review

Tonal Gym Review

Written by Nea Pantry. Our readers support us and our affiliate links may allow us to earn commissions.

Being motivated each morning can be both a mindset or a lifestyle.

Tonal’s compact wall-mounted machine gives you the same gym workout as a personal trainer, without even leaving your house. Pre-set routines are included and you can adjust your equipment.

Tonal’s work has appeared in Fast Company Magazine, Men’s Health magazine, Bloomberg and The New York Times. Men’s Health wrote, “get ready for the smartest home gym you’ve ever seen.” Tonal also has an Instagram following of over 130k .

To help you make an informed decision about whether Tonal is worth your investment, this review of the Tonal gym will examine the brand, its equipment and customer feedback.

Tonal Gym

tonal gym review

Overview of Tonal

Tonal founder Aly Oraday Tonal Aly Oraday was a struggler with his weight ever since childhood. His weight loss was achieved by a combination of weight training and determination.

While he was happy with his results, commuting to the gym every day took its toll on Oraday’s personal life. Oraday did not want to compromise his physical and psychological benefits so he decided to make a machine with an electromagnetic resistance that can withstand up to 220lbs.

These machines were no longer necessary at the gym. Oraday could get the same results, if any, at home using his resistance gear.

Tonal, which was founded in 2015 added itself to the growing list of home-training companies changing the face of fitness. The company operates from its headquarters in San Francisco, California.

We will review Tonal Fitness to show you the benefits and drawbacks.

tonal gym review

Tonal Home Gym Review – Worth The Money?

Tonal Interactive Home Gym offers workouts that can withstand up to 200 pounds magnetic force resistance

The products we review are provided by the companies. We may also receive commissions if you purchase through these links. Check out our disclosure page. The fitness and tech industries are integrating more closely. More companies are creating products that allow for both. Tonal is a compact home gym that hangs on the wall, and is tailored to individuals who want an interactive, guided and tough workout on their own time.

In this review, we’re going to cover all the ins and outs of the Tonal home gym . Being strength athletes ourselves, we were curious to see if this machine could provide a complete workout by using just the pulley system. This machine was not inexpensive so we wanted to determine if it is worthwhile.

Tonal is like everything else in strength training. Its greatest uses depend on your circumstances. Tonal makes a fantastic choice for individuals who value their health and fitness.

Is Tonal really effective?

From the perspective of making strength training accessible and fun, Tonal is excellent, and arguably the most robust at-home system for total fitness that you can get. Mirrors and the Pelotons are two of its competitors. These systems focus on cardio, bodyweight training, and do not include weights.

Tonal Exercises Can Be Replaced by a Gym

You can move the arms up and down along the Tonal device in order to do a range of exercises. This arm can also accommodate accessories that simulate dumbbells kettlebells ropes or barbells. It can even replace your home gym. May 27, 2020

Do I have to use Tonal for a ribbing?

You can even get an excellent workout for advanced lifters, like myself. There are many lifting options. You won’t find a cardio exercise that is monostructural, like on a treadmill or stationary bicycle. Cardio on Tonal includes HIIT classes and plyometric programming. Apr 14, 2021

Do you think Tonal Gyms can help build muscles?

Tonal Highlights Tonal is an interactive, home gym. It adapts to your skills and gives guided workouts with two electromagnetic resistance pulleys. Tonal may be used as a main exercise program for many clients to improve strength, reduce body fat and overall fitness.

.Tonal Gym Review

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