Desire System Review

Desire System Review

Desire System Review

The Desire System: Review Examining The Home Pua Program Released

There have been many Desire System reviews flooding the Internet. reveals the truth about the complete PUA system of a doctor.


The Desire System: Review Examining The Home Pua Program Released

">Desire System Review The Desire System is unlike any other program on the market. You won't find any tricks. Just stuff that really works.


Gentlemens has been attracted to The Desire System. It is a home-based program which focuses upon a psychological breakthrough known as emotional contagion. It allows men transfer their emotions and make them more sympathetic to the women they love.'s Stan Stevenson led to an investigative review.

Stevenson reports that The Desire System was created by an Asian dating expert and founder of The University of Love. It is home-based, with many lessons from the university. "The Desire System offers four HD video seminars, with Dr. Tian acting as host. This core system provides all necessary information for men so that they are able to attract women and stay with them at night. You can tailor your approach to girls with advanced classes like Lust, The Friends into Lovers or The Endless Conversation.

You can find the most recent information about the program by clicking here.

One of the best things about Desire System was the fact that it is not heavy on social strategies. It combines the power of mirror neurons with basic social approaches that are not only easy to remember but also important if you want to actually make use of it," says Stevenson. "The Desire System is more intellectual than other programs and is something that even beginners can pick up on. The program is not overly complex and can be incorporated into any other routines you might have. It also teaches how to be emotional honest. This is what allows you to understand the reasons why you feel as you do.

The Desire System has a unique aspect called honesty that I find to be extremely effective, if not groundbreaking. The program does a good job of emphasizing the need to stop wasting energy 'trying' to 'be' confident. Instead, it teaches that confidence and power can only be found in vulnerability. The Desire System, unlike other PUA dating programs on the market which rely heavily on social cues or responses, emphasizes being emotional honest and vulnerable. It doesn't require you to have a lot of confidence in order to use what you learn. This makes it easier to recommend the program to beginners as well as men with more experience in the dating game. The program is also very easy to understand and follows a simple step-by-step format. "My verdict? There are truly game-changing ideas in this program." To purchase The Desire System or to learn more, please click here.

Desire System Review


Although the Desire System is presented in a video, it also attempts to grab consumer's attention by hyping the magic of their "Emotional Activation System". However, customers' reviews highlight the effort that men have to make before approaching a woman.

This program is not recommended for men looking to "simply get laid" as the work involved and particularly emotional. Even though the company automatically enrolls you in a trial for another product, it clearly displays cancellation information on its sales page.

When searching online for details regarding 'The Desire System' or Hudson's 'The Social Man', it's difficult to find reliable information since most blogs or dating 'review sites' are actually affiliate marketers who earn a commission if you purchase the course following a link from their website.

The main problem with "The Social Man" is the fact that although this package contains lots of information and sells for a low price, its various modules can often include very high priced 'up-sells to other courses or seminars.

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Desire System Review

Are there Competitors or Alternatives?

Many programs, as well as online "gurus", offer tips and techniques for men to improve their relationships with women. Christian Hudson produced a promo video called The Girlfriend Activation System. It promotes the product in a very similar manner.

If you have experience with The Desire System, please leave your reviews below.

Let us know what you think.


Desire System Review

The Desire System – Bebe Reviews

The Desire System was created by The Social Man, Dr. David Tian (formerly Asian Rake), and the Aura Dating Academy. Launched on March 26, 2013, it was limited to 500 members. The desire program (also known as The Lust Program), teaches you how to make women love you. David Tian teaches it to men in Singapore.

David Tian’s Desire Course is gaining popularity ever since it was launched in 2013. This has been largely due to the steady stream of reviews from customers who have indicated that the intense style almost guarantees success. Although the reviews may settle the issue, many of them are flawed. Firstly, it is human nature to exaggerate and ignore some of the pitfalls of programs. Many people find that they are successful in programs and are driven to leave reviews. However, those who aren't aren't aren’t. There are usually a lot of positive reviews. However, there is not much to go around. The second issue is that ,any companies have been known to pay users, bloggers or just freelancers to write up positive reviews for their programs. Because reviews of programs are not always linked to purchase proof, it is often difficult for reviewers to be verified by watchdogs. The program may be unfamiliar to the reviewer. So we checked over 150 of Lust by David Tian's reviews against several criteria in order to assess credibility. We were able verify that 83% of reviews matched the contents of the programs by comparing the claims of reviewers. This suggests that the reviewers have seen the videos. One in four reviews (13%) contained false claims.

Our research shows that this program has the highest effectiveness when adjusted for commitment. It means you can have very good chances to get the program results if the commitment you make is one hour per daily. However, The Desire System cannot promise magic bullets. David Tian is a specialist in his field. He knows you can't get anywhere without hard work. But with hard work, progress will slow down. These are your only two options according to David Tian, there is no fast track to success with women.

The three-month program targets men to be more comfortable with their relationships with women. Each week, there are daily videos, exercises, instruction, and video lessons.

The Desire System is split up into two main parts (The Desire System and Lust) with four subsections in The Desire System and two subsections in Lust.


Desire System Review

These are the Pros

The holistic approach to masculine development is the key feature of this program. This program is based on solid science and field tested techniques. This makes it superior to other programs such as Texting/ Phone Game, Approach programs and Testosterone supplement programs that focus on symptom management rather than treating the cause. This is what I would like to discuss in my Desire System Review. Desire System views seduction and attraction in the right way. It is the result of multiple improvements in one's own being. The Desire System provides enough techniques to allow you to go out into the world with confidence while also practicing deeper levels of transformation.

David Tian, Dr. David Tian, is an excellent speaker and teacher. In the past that has been a real grind to my gears to watch hours upon hours of video of some geek talking out of his nose while fumbling around in the room and fidgeting about the space. David makes it seem like nothing is an issue. David is an academic first and foremost. He has held teaching positions and earned a Ph.D in Asian Cultures Philosophy. His intellect, sharpness, and understanding of the fundamental principles of teaching make him a great academic. This is not to be undervalued – The cleverest man in the world is useless to us unless he can teach. David has great energy and charisma when it comes to teaching. His ability to break down complex concepts into manageable chunks is impressive. I was never bored while watching the program. Hypnotica's hypnotic voice aside, it did happen once.

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Brilliant members' area website – This members section is extremely well designed and built. In my time their i did not run into one glitch or error. You can access all your programs from anywhere in the world, and they are all in order. You will be awarded 'Achievements', which are like boy-scout medals for successfully completing the various steps and tasks. These rewards are psychologically motivating and encourage one to return time after time. For me this was a great and unique addition to the program and something I have not seen in any other program of this kind.

The Community & The Feedback – Im not sure how they've achieved this as so many have failed before them, but The Social Man team has managed to build and maintain a thriving members only community, much like I imagine the original Mystery forum was minus all the creepy magicians. David Tian, his team and other members are always responding to the posts with support, encouragement, and affirmation. It's amazing to find a community who is there for each other to grow, without judgment and sharing a common interest. There are many PUA forums online, but The Social Man Members Only forum hits it right on the head. The Desire System requires that everyone participates with integrity. This means you won't encounter many of the geeky or crappy gooey folks on other forums. This is, I have to admit, one of my favorite things about The Desire System – Being able to get personalised coaching advice and being part of a supportive community.

Social Man has a team that is always improving existing programs. They don't produce new programs to make money. And, if you buy a program from them, they will give you all the current content for free. It's really great of them. They have made two significant updates to The Desire System in the last two years, including new videos and the rerecording of old lectures with better quality. The cool thing about this is that you can finish the program and then come back a year later and have a whole new program at your fingertips to even master yourself further.

The Desire System comes in at $67 for a dating program. Many dating programs are expensive, often unjustifiably. A dating company should be fair about pricing its products. The Social Man could easily have set The Desire System's price at five times the current market rate and got away with it. This is huge for cash strapped men like us.


Desire System Review

The Bottom Line

The Desire System may not be perfect but it is definitely the best value product for money I've reviewed. It's hard to find a more immersive program for $67. The program is cost-effective, holistic, emotionally mature, and suitable for all skills levels. People further along on their journey will likely find much overlap with previous knowledge and repeating it in this program. David Tian also explains everything. That said, David teaches from a refreshingly honest and mature angle and goes far beyond the basics without ever losing touch of the human element. It is an excellent program and the Desire System gets the Be. Approve it.

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Desire System Review

Desire Systems: The Review Exposing Controversial Training Program Released

Many reviews of The Desire System are flooding the Internet. uncovers all the details about this program, which teaches men to be sexually active and turn women on.

Desire System Review The Desire System that teaches guys how to turn a woman on in seconds by using a little known brain science known as "emotional contagion" to transfer emotions of desire directly to her subconscious mind has caught the attention of Gentlemens.'s Stan Stevenson led to a revised investigative review.

The Desire System was created by two highly successful dating coach companies. Stevenson says that the Desire System is a home study program for men. It is scientifically proven to convert women in just seconds. We were most impressed by the fact these methods are based on science. You don't often see doctors teaching such important material. Click here to learn more.

The creator developed his system while studying neuroscience, and has previously only taught this particular system in closed-door seminars. This program contains the recording of the seminar, as well as transcripts and additional programs such as "Friends Into Lovers", Complete Confidence Hypnosis, and "Endless conversations".

Our Desire System review revealed that it was based upon the psychological discovery of emotional contagion. This is said to allow you "transfer" your feelings to a female. Stevenson argues this is important for seducing woman. Stevenson's method outlines the steps to follow in order to achieve this. The seminar recordings were made freely available to men who wish to know the secrets of winning her over and quit playing "win-win" games. It is clear that the teachers are sympathetic to many of the problems faced by men who have suffered heartbreak and disappointment. This likely leads them to invest in seminars and buy programs. "How men see themselves is a major factor in their ability to interact with women effectively," he believes. Click here Gentlemens for information and purchase The Desire System. was designed to aid me with better relationships, better health, more income, and better living. It also provides information about various trainings and programs. To access the comprehensive The Desire System review, visit Share article on social media or email:

Read the entire article here:



Are The Desire System Real?

"Created by a man who is widely considered to be Asia's top dating coach and is the founder of the world's largest dating university, The Desire System is a home-based program that includes many of the lessons that are taught in the university," reports Stevenson.2 Oct 2013

Is The Desire System Good?

The Desire System includes a specific aspect, the concept of honesty. It is something I found extremely useful and maybe even revolutionary. Program does a great job at emphasizing the necessity to stop using energy to try to be confident. You learn instead that vulnerability and confidence are the keys to power. 2 Oct 2013.

What is The Desire System Method?

David Tian developed the Desire System. The system is revolutionary and provides you with all necessary information to help you succeed in your dating life. David Tian has been a coach for hundreds of people from many backgrounds over the years.

.Desire System Review