Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning Usps (+ Common Faqs)

The United States Postal Service operates like a welloiled machine. They serve millions of customers and make sure that the shipments reach their destination quickly.

USPS tracking may be updated as necessary to show new information when an item is out for delivery. Another message you might see is “Awaiting Delivery scan”.

  • What does the “Awaiting Delivery Scan” actually mean? This is all you need to know!
  • Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    What is Awaiting Delivery Scans Mean for USPS 2022

    If a tracking number from the Postal Service indicates that a parcel has been “Awaiting Delivery Scans”, it can indicate that it is still in the possession of the postal carrier, but it hasn’t yet been delivered. This notification may also signify that the item is missing or has not been scanned.

  • In reality, “Awaiting Delivery Scan”, can be used to refer to several things. Read on for more information.
  • Is it Possible That Your USPS Mail Package Screams “Awaiting Delivery Screen”?

    A package that says “Out For Delivery” at the beginning of the day might be marked “Awaiting Delivery Scan” later in the afternoon. There may also be other reasons.

    First, let’s note that mail carrier have several options when scanning packages just before delivery.

  • Imagine your package goes from being “Out for Delivery” and then “Awaiting Delivery Scans”.
  • This is because the delivering carrier of your mail has actually physically taken it into their possession.

    Additionally, it could have meant that the mail carrier went through the parcels in order to deliver them and then sorted them in their truck.

  • It hasn’t been shipped yet
  • The reason your parcel could say “Awaiting Deliver Scan” might be that it’s in the carrier’s possession, but not yet delivered.

    It implies, however that the carrier will deliver the parcel within the day.

  • The Package Has a Hidden Secret
  • A few parcels were found hidden beneath a chair or in larger packages by the truck driver.

    If a carrier has already scanned the parcel and marked it “Awaiting Delivery Scans”, this status will remain for a few more days.

    Unfortunately, this means that the recipient has to wait until somebody finds the package. But, it’s at least reassuring to know that it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is lost.

  • It was shipped but has not been updated
  • Sometimes notifications are accidentally assigned to delivered packages.

    During their route, mail carriers scan the barcode on shipments and then manually update the status.

    Because mail carriers are human, it’s easy to pick the wrong status or forget the update altogether.

    Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    How Long Does It Take USPS To Scan Your Package?

    You can expect the USPS will take a while to scan your parcel, depending on several factors.

    It is a fact that the more packages you have in your sorting station or on your delivery truck, it takes to scan them all.

    It might not take the Postal Service long to scan an item. However, it may take them just minutes on some days and hours on others if they have a backlog.

    Additionally, if you notice that your package has gone from “Out For Delivery” to “Awaiting Delivery Scan,” you will have to sit tight while the mail carrier does their work.

    Keep in mind that sometimes the carrier could forget to change the status of your delivery even though the package is delivered.

    Are Packages able to be delivered without being scanned and inspected by USPS

  • Carriers can still deliver packages without scanning it as delivered. However, the package might still be marked “Out For Delivery” and “Awaiting Delivery Scan.”
  • While the Postal Service tries to make sure that scans of packages are accurate, it is still possible for humans to miss something.

    If you have concerns about this, it is possible to just wait until the next day or for several hours (which in the case of the Postal Service at 5 p.m.)

  • By then, the package’s tracking should be updated from “Awaiting Delivery Scan” to “Delivered.”
  • Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    What Does “Awaiting Item”, USPS, Mean?

  • Despite the same word usage, a similar package status, USPS “Awaiting Item” means something very different from “Awaiting Delivery Scan.”
  • Still, USPS “AwaitingItem” happens at the beginning of each parcel’s journey towards its destination.

    It happens so quickly that the Postal Service doesn’t have the package.

    Rather, the label has been created and a tracking number assigned, but the sender hasn’t yet brought it into the Post Office’s possession to be scanned.

    Learn more about USPS by visiting our post on USPS parcel select, how long it takes to process, insurance, scanning packages, and whether USPS can scan them.

  • Conclusion
  • Your USPS tracking will say “Awaiting Delivery Scans” but that is a vague term that could mean many things.

    Positively, your parcel should arrive soon.

    Why do my Usps packages say that they are awaiting delivery scans?

    USPS scanners are used by the USPS to keep track of and follow each package’s status, including whether or not it has been shipped. It will say “awaiting delivery scan” if it does not indicate that it has been delivered.

    What Does “Awaiting Delivery” Mean?

    This simply signifies that the package arrived at the delivery station and is awaiting the processing cycle to complete before being delivered to the intended recipient.

    .Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning Usps (+ Common Faqs)

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