Ohsnap Grip Review

Ohsnap Grip Review Is Ohsnap Grips good?

OhSnap! Grip isn’t bad, but not as great as it claims to be. IF you don't need wireless charging and have thin fingers, you could very well love this phone grip. Other than the comfort of my fingers, this really is better than a Pop Socket.Nov 9, 2020

What is the best way to remove Ohsnap Grip?

Even though the Ohsnap Grip lacks a reusable adhesive, changing it to another phone or case is easy. You can find the instructions here. To ensure your phone and case are safe, use a pair of tweezers.

Is it possible to apply Ohsnap Grip

Snapmounts have washable and reusable adhesive that allow you to stick it almost anywhere. You can reuse the adhesive by simply running it under warm water, rubbing any dirt with your fingers. Once cleaned, let air dry. Jan 21, 2020

Ohsnap Grip works with wireless chargers

While we can't guarantee that every wireless charger will work with the Ohsnap Grip, all of the ones we tested worked. You may experience some issues depending upon the thickness of your case. Jan 21, 2021

.Ohsnap Grip Review

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