What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For Usps? + Other Faqs

You can expect to be surrounded by some very prestigious things when you work for the United States Postal Service, such as the extensive federal benefits package.

USPS’s hiring process can sometimes be long and tedious. The Offer Phase Ext section of the hiring process can be frustrating for you.

How does USPS hires interpret Offer Phase Ext? What does it mean for USPS hiring? This is what you should know.

What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For USPS? + Other FAQs

What does Offer Phase Ext mean for USPS?

USPS Offer Phase Ext potential hires are now in one final step of the hiring process. At this point, prospectives have actually accepted the offer of employment extended by USPS, have been fingerprinted and drug-tested, and are waiting for the results of the latter.

  • For more information about the length of this stage, whether it is a sign that you have been hired, or where the Offer Phase Ext fits in the hiring process, continue reading!
  • How Long Will the USPS Extender Phase Last?

    The research that I did shows that although the USPS offer phase ext portion of the USPS hiring process may be nearing its conclusion, it can take quite a bit longer.

    I have seen some commenters on Reddit say that they have been “stuck” in this hiring purgatory for weeks.

    An Indeed respondent mentioned that they had been part of the Offer Phase Ext for one month.

    USPS won’t hire until there is an urgent demand.

    If you have applied, gone through some of the steps, and currently find yourself in the Offer Phase Ext category, sit tight.

    It can take up to one month to process your parcel. Yes, this can take a while, but that is how USPS operates.

    The Postal Service, in general, is a meticulous employer that has a budget-friendly eye.

    Although they may be federally related, USPS remains an independent agency within the executive branch.

    The President can’t appoint U.S.Postmaster General, the head of the agency.

    The Postmaster can be appointed by the person who nominates and votes.

    However, this independence has a cost – the agency does not accept funding from the taxpayer to remain solvent.

    Instead, all their operating expenses are generated through postage/services. This includes stamps, shipping classes and so on.

    Hiring staff can be expensive (as is the investment in training). ).

    USPS seeks to attract the top candidates to their company and keep them loyal for as long as possible.

    Don’t worry if your Kroger’s or Target’s hiring processes take longer than the Postal Service’s.

    People who’ve been there say that when you get to Offer Phase Ext, you are in the home stretch.

    (As an important aside, some people report that they have been on the job for months and their accounts still say Offer Phase Ext.

  • You shouldn’t look at that job changing as proof that you have been hired!
  • What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For USPS? + Other FAQs

    What Does the USPS offer in Phase Ext mean?

  • According to new hires and current employees of the Postal Service, Offer Phase Ext is the “home-stretch.”
  • That means you are done with the most part of your job search. It was hard work!
  • After consenting to background checks, drug tests, and fingerprints, you have been issued a job offer. At this point, you (and USPS) are waiting for the results of those screenings.

    According to studyeducation.com, your next step after this is an orientation letter.

    So basically, you are conditionally hired at this point, provided you pass your tests and screenings.

    Sit tight, because even though you are a conditional employee, the wait time can last up to three months.

    What Are The Process Steps For USPS Hiring?

    You might wonder how Offer Phase Ext fits into the larger hiring scheme.

    Here’s an overview:

    Wait to find out if you are a match for their requirements. If your skills and experience match their needs, then you’ll be invited to sit for the Postal Exam 473. In order to pass, you need to score at least 70. If you score above 70, then you might be asked to participate in a group or one-on-one interview. In fact you may be requested to attend both.

    Additionally, this is the point where you can be added to the pre-hired staff.

  • People are basically creating files/reports that they can review during this hiring process. To perform background checks, you will need to consent. USPS may offer employment conditions if they feel you are still a good fit. Once you have been fingerprinted, USPS will call to conduct a drug testing. The Offer Phase Ext is now complete. You’ll wait and wait…and probably wait some more to hear back on all the results. If you successfully pass your screenings and exams, you will receive an orientation note. It’s a good sign, as if orientation is attended and you still want to do the job, you will likely be offered an orientation letter.
  • This is a very general overview and may vary depending on which Post Office you are working for.

    For more information about USPS you can visit our USPS post on USPS prehire list if it is a federal job and USPS orientation.

  • Conclusion
  • The USPS Offer Phase Ext part of the hiring process is a very good sign for prospective employees. It means they really believe you would be a good fit for their team.

    In this stage, most of the time you will just be waiting while USPS completes your background check.

    The process can last for as long as three months. You should mentally prepare yourself for the challenging, yet rewarding, journey ahead.

    .What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For Usps? + Other Faqs

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